Ministry for Basic and Secondary Education, in collaboration with various vital agencies, celebrated Children's Day

Ministry for Basic and Secondary Education, in collaboration with various vital agencies, celebrated Children's Day

Today May 27, 2024, at the State Stadium in Birnin-Kebbi, the Ministry for Basic and Secondary Education, in collaboration with various vital agencies, celebrated Children's Day. All members of the public from various nooks and corners gathered to witness this occasion.

May 27, 2024

Today May 27, 2024, at the State Stadium in Birnin-Kebbi, the Ministry for Basic and Secondary Education, in collaboration with various vital agencies, celebrated Children's Day. All members of the public from various nooks and corners gathered to witness this occasion. Top dignitaries present included the representative of H.E. Executive Secretary Bala Tafida, the Honorable Commissioner of Education, Dr. Halima Mohammed Bande, the Permanent Secretary of Education, Alhaji Abubakar Magaji Nayelwa, and Prof. Khalid Jega. Directors and security chiefs from Civil Defence, Correctional Services, DSS, and Immigration were also in attendance, as was the Commissioner of Establishment, the Honorable Speaker Mohammed Usman (Ankwai), and representatives of top dignitaries including the Grand Kadi and Royal Fathers. The Better Future for Young Generation Initiative was also represented. The occasion featured an exhibition showcasing various creations of art.

Published by ICT Unit

Min. For Basic and Secondary Education